Census Table | Table ID | Download | Download |
Residence type | ts001 | CSV | Parquet |
Marital and civil partnership status | ts002 | CSV | Parquet |
Household composition | ts003 | CSV | Parquet |
Country of birth | ts004 | CSV | Parquet |
Passports held | ts005 | CSV | Parquet |
Population Density | ts006 | CSV | Parquet |
Age | ts007a | CSV | Parquet |
Sex | ts008 | CSV | Parquet |
Household deprivation | ts011 | CSV | Parquet |
Year of arrival in the UK | ts015 | CSV | Parquet |
Length of residence in the UK | ts016 | CSV | Parquet |
Household size | ts017 | CSV | Parquet |
Age of arrival in the UK | ts018 | CSV | Parquet |
Migrant indicator | ts019 | CSV | Parquet |
Sex | ts020 | CSV | Parquet |
Number of households | ts041 | CSV | Parquet |
Ethnic group | ts021 | CSV | Parquet |
Multiple ethnic groups in household | ts023 | CSV | Parquet |
Household language (English and Welsh) | ts025 | CSV | Parquet |
Multiple main languages in household | ts026 | CSV | Parquet |
National identity | ts027 | CSV | Parquet |
Proficiency in English language | ts029 | CSV | Parquet |
Religion | ts030 | CSV | Parquet |
Multi religion household | ts075 | CSV | Parquet |
Welsh language skills | ts032 | CSV | Parquet |
Welsh speaking ability | ts033 | CSV | Parquet |
Welsh writing ability | ts034 | CSV | Parquet |
Welsh reading ability | ts035 | CSV | Parquet |
Welsh understanding ability | ts036 | CSV | Parquet |
Distance travelled to work | ts058 | CSV | Parquet |
Hours worked | ts059 | CSV | Parquet |
Method of travel to workplace | ts061 | CSV | Parquet |
National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC) | ts062 | CSV | Parquet |
Occupation (current) | ts063 | CSV | Parquet |
Unemployment history | ts065 | CSV | Parquet |
Economic activity status | ts066 | CSV | Parquet |
Accommodation type | ts044 | CSV | Parquet |
Number of cars or vans | ts045 | CSV | Parquet |
Type of central heating in household | ts046 | CSV | Parquet |
Number of bedrooms | ts050 | CSV | Parquet |
Number of rooms (VOA) | ts051 | CSV | Parquet |
Occupancy rating for bedrooms | ts052 | CSV | Parquet |
Occupancy rating for rooms | ts053 | CSV | Parquet |
Tenure of household | ts054 | CSV | Parquet |
Second address type | ts055 | CSV | Parquet |
Second address indicator | ts056 | CSV | Parquet |
Highest level of qualification | ts067 | CSV | Parquet |
Schoolchild or full-time student indicator | ts068 | CSV | Parquet |
General health | ts037 | CSV | Parquet |
Disability | ts038 | CSV | Parquet |
Provision of unpaid care | ts039 | CSV | Parquet |
Number of disabled people in household | ts040 | CSV | Parquet |
The following table provides links to all Output Area level 2021 Census data for England and Wales. More information about how these data were created can be found here, including a metadata table for the column names. If you want data and maps for a specific local authority, click on a region above.